Hello, my name is Frans Larsenworking on a lot of things and never telling anyone about it – mostly gaems
Why am I always having issues with AddListener OnClick function. It is one of my biggest annoyances with Unity.
April 22, 2018
Got DOWN THE ROAD uploaded to my Portfolio! 

#gamedev #ngj18
April 21, 2018
Theme for #ldjam sounds awesome. Would love to join, but no time unfortunately! :(
April 21, 2018
Little Gameplay footage from DOWN THE ROAD. The game @KasperHdL and I made in 48 hours for @NordicGameJam 2018!
April 20, 2018
Is there someway to both turn off retweets and likes on my Twitter timeline? It really makes my timeline noisy and…
April 7, 2018
All day everyday
March 29, 2018
I have been playing @Subnautica a lot the past two days together with my Girlfriend. Deeply enjoying the experience…
March 14, 2018
'Ey, made a logo for our game!
March 7, 2018
March 6, 2018
Just made this. No context needed
March 5, 2018
I got tired of VSCO last year and just didn't enjoy the workflow any longer. It tried to become a platform rather t…
March 4, 2018
Why is it not possible to do Distributed Rendering in Adobe programs such as Premiere Pro and After Effects?
March 4, 2018
Anyone up for a Game Jam for Animals? I always wanted to make a tablet game for Fish in aquariums,
February 28, 2018
Putting on eye shadow is like applying ambient occlusion
February 18, 2018
A exploratory puzzle with hexagons inspired by Conway's Game of Life.
A thing that I made for @Playit_Cph (Level On…
February 11, 2018
The idea got selected by two juries from the industry, together with 9 other pitches out of 27!
Super honoured and…
February 8, 2018
Going to pitch this idea today
February 8, 2018
Recommendation for ultra simple free video editing tool for Windows?
#VideoEditing #Filmmaking
February 5, 2018
Last night I went into Game Idea mode and I can conclude that there is A LOT of Tycoon games missing in this world.
February 4, 2018
What was that Gamemode for Garrys Mod (Somewhere between version 7-9) where you had to stack props, build upwards a…
February 3, 2018
Wordcloud over Commit messages for Game Jam could become a thing for future
January 28, 2018

#GGJ18 #MadeWithUnity
January 28, 2018

#GGJ18 #MadeWithUnity
January 27, 2018
Yay, Screen Shake is the first script added to my Util package for Unity.
I have no idea why I hadn't started this much earlier.
January 26, 2018
Pretty hyped for this weekends #GGJ18 at @unity3d here in Copenhagen.
Downloading 2017.3.0f3 in preparation!
January 25, 2018
I could really go for a good play in the snow right now. But there is none :(
January 18, 2018
Trying to grow a bit more beard than usual. How do people do this without itching their face off
January 16, 2018
December 12, 2016
September 10, 2016
September 10, 2016
July 23, 2016
Bachelor overstået med 12 tal til hele rækken! Virkelig dejlig afslutning på semesteret og generelt hele bacheloren. Og en nu start på velfortjent og virkelig eftertragtet ferie!
June 17, 2016
DE FIK 12 (Ikke min gruppe - skal først op D 17😩) TILLYKE TIL JER DRENGE! Super fedt projekt og få så lige det Paper ud 😉
June 15, 2016
May 21, 2016
HJÆLP TIL TEST AF MIT BACHELOR PROJECT :O (Søger folk med erfaring inden for Spil!) Min Bachelor gruppe og jeg har bygget en prototype af et spil og vi er i fuldfart med at få det testet. Det ville være SÅ VILDT hvis folk kunne teste og dele det. Jo flere, jo bedre - Hver bruger værdsættes! Vi tester noget med indlevelse i spil med kunstig intelligense. Det kan downloades og findes her https://github.com/ItaiYavin/Kontiki/releases/download/0.2.2/kontiki_win.zip https://github.com/ItaiYavin/Kontiki/releases/download/0.2.2/kontiki_osx.zip #testing
Lavede en masse video optagelser til A MAZE. 2016, Berlin, Germany og har lavet en en kort samlet video af min første oplevelse af festivalen!
April 28, 2016
April 27, 2016
Apr 20-24 2016 I went to Berlin to go to A MAZE Festival 2016. I won a ticket for it at Global Game Jam 2016, Copenhagen. I did a whole load of video footage of the trip and the festival - Here is a collection of my experience of the event.
April 20, 2016
Da jeg vandt en billet til A MAZE. 2016 til Global Game Jam 2016, så måtte jeg jo drage til Berlin for et mindre ophold! Fantastisk fed begivenhed, fyldt med alt for mange sjove spil og oplevelser. Skal helt klart med næste år! Også tusinde tak til Mikael for at være min partner på dette trip. Og så var Siw utrolig nok også lige i Berlin - Som så udviklede sig til forlænget ferie næsten
Nordic Game Jam 2016 Timelapse
April 11, 2016
A timelapse of the two teams working on their games at the Nordic Game Jam 2016. Games: Wacky Water Wheels https://maya-dk.itch.io/wacky-water-wheels Sling A Frog https://kasperhdl.itch.io/sling-a-frog Start from Friday 21:00 until Sunday 16:00 Thanks to all the great participants of this Jam - Had SUCH a great time! Karten - In The Horizon http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/677769
Timelapse af vores to hold til Nordic Game Jam 2016. Mellem Fredag D. 8, kl 21:00 til Søndag D. 10, Kl. 17:00 #NGJ16
April 11, 2016
April 10, 2016
Utrolig fed weekend med #NGJ16 - fedt og tilfredsstillende slut produkt og bare rå hygge med de bedste personer! Nu til Imperial for finalen - Ses til næste år 😉
April 10, 2016
April 8, 2016
Er til Nordic Game Jam 2016 lige nu - Vi er 12 mennesker der sidder og arbejder på to spil over de næste 48 timer. Vi har en stream der kører 24/7 fra vores site, kom, deltag og grin lidt af os! (Vi læser Stream Chat) http://twitch.tv/jalict #NGJ16 #GameDev
Timelapse af vores to hold til Nordic Game Jam 2016. Mellem Fredag D. 8, kl 21:00 til Søndag D. 10, Kl. 17:00 #NGJ16
April 7, 2016
Spilprisen 2016 - Altid de bedste gratis burger!
April 6, 2016
April 6, 2016
5 dage med uafbrudt Spil Udviklings relatered begivenheder, dette inkluderet Spilprisen 2016, Nordic Game Jam 2016 og Awards Showet. Her er timelapse af vores arbejde til Game Jamet https://www.facebook.com/Jalict/videos/vb.1296521394/10208633267531236/?type=3&theater
April 6, 2016
5 dage med uafbrudt Spil Udviklings relatered begivenheder, dette inkluderet Spilprisen 2016, Nordic Game Jam 2016 og Awards Showet. Her er timelapse af vores arbejde til Game Jamet https://www.facebook.com/Jalict/videos/vb.1296521394/10208633267531236/?type=3&theater
do your chores
April 1, 2016
January 31, 2016
More from said photoshoot. Really windy. Frooze my hands off for like every shot. #korsør #storebælt #ocean #beach
January 2, 2018
Now time for some relaxation - Pretty much just sofa all day (And a little photoshoot walk of course)
#365 #beach #waves
January 2, 2018
So pleased with the product! Fun to make, very physical and worked completely in the end. #365 #familygift #christmas
December 30, 2017
Feeling sick but went out and meet FRIENDS! #365 #randomencounter #friends
December 29, 2017
December 29, 2017
Going out for those gifts finally
#365 #hay #cphshopping
December 29, 2017
Looking through old photos feels great honestly. So many fun pictures, people and places! Also estimated that I have taken +35,000 pictures since 2012 #365 #archive #oldtimes
December 18, 2017
Oh! And I got my A6000 back today. So now it is going to a mix of super bad and excellent quality photos. #365 #newcloths #home
December 17, 2017
Went shopping today and we finally entered the Lego store!
December 17, 2017
A nice little gift #365 #keyring #smallgift
December 16, 2017
It... It is done! #365 #handin #tired
December 15, 2017
Mobile phone completely dead, so it is kind of hard to do Instagram (sad). Need to fetch my A6000, but I am busy with handin! #365 #busy #lookingfowardtobefinished
December 15, 2017
Like.. 5% done with assignment? Least got some cute pictures up and hanging #365 #photos #decoration
December 12, 2017
Phone Status: Rice
#365 #toilet #oops
December 11, 2017
Late night hand-in with group. Been doing diagrams for way too long now #365 #diagrams #handin
December 10, 2017
So they switched out the chairs with those new (old?) chairs and I am totally digging them.
Pstttt... where to get one? #365 #lifeatitu #funiture
December 9, 2017
So much construction going on #365 #amager #construction
December 8, 2017
Yo, Voxels in cpp #365 #cpp #voxel
December 7, 2017
When you realize that today has been extremely productive and nice??? (But no good photo) #365 #selfie #mad
December 6, 2017
Goin’ upwards (hand ins right around the corner) #365 #amager #semesterend
December 5, 2017
Who can say no to this place. #365 #cafe #refshaleøen
December 4, 2017
Bycyklen is like one of my favorite things lately #365 #bycyklen #transportation
December 3, 2017
Ludum Dare 40 Game Jam today. This dude came with a freaking Atari and started doing Assembly, how raw is that?! #365 #atari #ldjam
December 2, 2017
Got the transistors for my RGB strip project. Works wonderful! And now I got 100x TIP31C which is awesome #365 #arduino #rgb
December 1, 2017
Assignment where you can do your own topic is the best. Possible to challenge comfort zone, try crazy stuff and just keep things with interest is just such a privilege that I enjoy so much #365 #lifeatitu #learning
November 30, 2017
Keeping everything consistent is really difficult. And my Instagram have been affected by it immerssevely as of recent. #365 #digging #amager
November 30, 2017
Forgot Yesterday picture. Had a day off so didn’t even get out. Was super great to just stay home #365 #relaxing #dayoff
November 29, 2017
Talk by Epic Games and other companies who work with Unreal Engine #365 #epicgames #unrealengine
November 28, 2017
Home late. What a long weekend. #365 #cphbynight #cafe
November 27, 2017
Ah yes. Got the parser for the texture map to road and building pieces going now. Would love to make the script more generic for future projects. Super useful! #365 #unity #generation
November 25, 2017
Ah yes — fantastic GameDev party tonight and finally got to say hi to so many people that I had seen at previous events. #365 #nightout #cphbynight
November 25, 2017
Got a great kernel system for detecting road segments that I am extremely satisfied with. #365 #ws2812 #rgb
November 24, 2017
Making a texture map to city generator using colors for specific pieces. Effective for iterating fast #365 #gamedev #photoshop
November 22, 2017