Hello, my name is Niels LeerentveldOptimali.st (UX CRO QA) / Running (10K 42m48s / HM 1u41m32s) / Roeicoa.ch / Cycling (beginner) / QS, life tracking & hacking
Lol Alleen maar voordelen: Bloqués No. 70 Le #dopage
July 1, 2016
Russische roeiers in 2015 zeven keer positief bij dopingtest
June 30, 2016
🔥alarm tramtunnel #070
June 28, 2016
Chatbot vecht ruim 160.000 parkeerboetes met succes aan #bot
June 28, 2016
People in the UK lost a bit of sleep over #Brexit, their fitness trackers show
June 27, 2016
Finding an ATM Skimmer in Vienna #security
June 26, 2016
Rowing: 2000 metres of pure pain
June 24, 2016
Image sizes required by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube & Google+. Sizes accurate as of June 2016 @Econsultancy
June 22, 2016
Subscribe to my newsletter on Refind: via @refindcom
June 22, 2016
Camera's versieren op de verjaardag van Orwell /@bitsoffreedom
June 22, 2016
GyShiDo: The Art of Getting Your Shit Done (A Productivity Manifesto)
June 22, 2016
Real-time #dashboards considered harmful.... Schrödinger’s dashboard :) #measure
June 21, 2016
5 scenarios for how humans and #bots will work together
June 20, 2016
New #WR #rowing #LW2x: Paulis en Head @ World Cup III, Poznan
June 19, 2016
Miniatuur poppetjes brengen de straten tot leven
June 17, 2016
How often your website needs a #security audit & what you need to check
June 17, 2016
Facebook Messenger's hidden #football game is strangely addictive
June 17, 2016
Dutch startup Ligo turns legal business into a to-do list #NLTech
June 16, 2016
How Wimbledon will use technology to enhance the fan experience in 2016
June 16, 2016
The 8 Secrets to Acquiring any Skill (The 8Belts Method) | Anxo Pérez | TEDxCibeles
June 15, 2016
(3/5) Wanneer kun je als sporter beter niet naar je coach luisteren?
June 15, 2016
(4/5) Welke training heb je nodig als je een betere sporter wilt worden?
June 15, 2016
London’s Underground Gets a New Typeface Because 2016
June 15, 2016
We talked to futurists about what sleep will be like in 2030
June 15, 2016
Nice: MailChimp is now on IFTTT
June 14, 2016
Useful Twitter tool Automatically tell @realDonaldTrump to delete his account: delete-trump
June 13, 2016
All-in-one Docker deep learning image: Contains all the popular DL frameworks TensorFlow, Theano, Torch, Caffe...
June 12, 2016
Euros 2016 Calendar Blocker
June 12, 2016
Goede @decorrespondent #Podcast: Een goed gesprek over belastingontwijking en -ontduiking
June 10, 2016
Vreemde, maar bijzonder functionele atletiekbaan
June 10, 2016
Drone racing for everyone. Fun and affordable.
June 8, 2016
LinkedIn information used to spread banking malware in the Netherlands
June 7, 2016
Robin Nolan Trio - Whole Lotta Rosie (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam)
June 1, 2016
Tumblr @ Have I been pwned? Pwned websites
May 30, 2016
WebGazer.js: Democratizing Webcam Eye Tracking on the Browser (standard webcams)
May 27, 2016
Analyse van de PowerFile van Steven Kruijswijk
May 27, 2016
Proud to be the 298th backer on @BackerKit for Mighty - Streaming Music With... | Thx @MightyAudio!
May 24, 2016
Make Emojis Great Again TRUMPOJI
May 19, 2016
Kung Fu Motion Visualization #dataviz
May 19, 2016
Zó leef je zonder internet, laat dit internetloos Italiaans dorpje zien
May 16, 2016
Certbot: Automatically enable HTTPS @EFF
May 16, 2016
#WhatsNew? Microsoft makes another sneaky move in pushing Windows 10 upgrades
May 16, 2016
Look at who's qualified so far in rowing for Rio Olympics
May 15, 2016
I just liked "Habits vs Routines: What's the difference?" on @Vimeo:
May 15, 2016
Toneelgroep @DeAppel moet blijven:
May 15, 2016
CMS & Webapplication designer - developer interested in front-end, content, SEO and user centered design projects.