Hello, my name is Rui Miguel Aires
Being - a Father, my greatest challenge and blessing ;-) - a Musician, a life-long dream, playing hanpan, guitar and didgeridoo at www.cantosdomar.pt and www.merutrio.com Working - with www.splunk.com, an amazing BigData business intelligence platform; - helping people and businesses manage their digital personas at www.IAMIN.pt Supporting - reinventing organizations and outsourcing at www.homeostase.pt; - building a community of entrepreneurs at João Sem Medo Community (www.joaosemmedo.org) - changing the world, one person at a time, at Rede Educação Viva (www.educacaoviva.pt) Searching inside myself - practicing yoga at www.Sivananda.pt and "dancing out what moves in" with 5Rythms Bio - born Portugal 1975 - computer science at IST and project management at PMI; - career in IT & management at Safira and darwin
"New Street Blues" / "Blues da Rua Nova" (improviso)
March 30, 2019
"New Street Blues" / "Blues da Rua Nova" (live, un-edited direct sound) Performance informal numa festa da aldeia onde me desafiaram para vir apresentar os meus instrumentos "diferentes", no dia de abertura das festas do Senhor da Rua Nova em Fornos, Freixo-de-Espada-à-Cinta, Agosto 2018. Desafiei o meu tio António Eugénio para fazermos um blues com a minha lapsteel Weissenborn, em total improviso. Som ao vivo e sem edição. (parte 3/4) Rui Miguel Aires : Guitarra Slide Weissenborn António Eugénio Aires: Guitarra "Guilele" (Cordoba)
Green Valley from MERU (acoustic solo version)
September 17, 2018
Acoustic version of "Green Valley" from my band MERU. This moment is dedicated to Xavier Rudd and his music that made me start playing Didgeridoo and Slide Guitar more than 10 years ago. You can listen to the original track here: https://meruworldmusic.bandcamp.com/track/green-valley Please support our project at http://meru.pt * Live sound, recorded on location, “Douro International Natural Park” * Played on a Weissenborn made in Portugal, by Candido Jacob (http://www.cjacobluthier.com/) * Amplified with a Roland Cube Street * Main video and audio by Rui Aires (GoPro Silver 4) * Close...
The Walkabout Yiḏaki - played by Rui Miguel Aires
December 21, 2017
Improvisation with the a yiḏaki (didgeridoo), made by Dhapa Ganambarr from the Miwatj region in Arnhemland, Australia. This yiḏaki is from the Michiel Teijgeler's private collection and it's currently travelling the world as "The Walkabout Yiḏaki" project. More about the project at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1634505896807338/
Elfic Dreams (Improvised Triology)
May 4, 2017
Improvised composition at the Natural Park of Douro Internacional Fornos, Freixo-de-Espada-a-Cinta, Portugal During an improvisation session, a set of 3 different but closely similar melodies emerged so I decided to gather them in a Triology and call them "Elfic Dreams" in honor of this amazing instrument and his creator (Mayuko) Played on a Instrument de l'Elf (by Mayuko Taki Mano) Triple Minor F F/ (G Ab) C Db Eb F G Ab C Eb F Self-Recorded using a GoPro 4 Silver and edited using just YouTube Video Editor (really!) More about Instrument de l'Elf at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9marY...
The Flight of the Gyps Fulvus (O vôo do Grifo)
November 21, 2016
Improvised composition at the Natural Park of Douro Internacional Fornos, Freixo-de-Espada-a-Cinta, Portugal Played on a Rav Vast2, D Pentatonic Minor This moment was inspired by this magical place where a few species of birds of prey (eagles, vultures) migrate and nest for a few months every year. In particular, the Gyps Fulvus (aka "Grifo") is very common in this spot.
Graveola - Maquinário (ao vivo)
July 1, 2016
Maquinário por Graveola Ao vivo em Lisboa, Renovar a Mouraria http://graveola.com.br/
Khailani at Be-In Festival
June 27, 2016
An amazing instrument played at Be-In Gathering (Boomland) More info at: http://www.kailani.at/
Handpan and nGoni Jam na Casa dos Sonhos (Zen Family)
April 1, 2016
Small improvisation at the beautiful "Casa dos Sonhos" (Zen Family). Thanks to Luis Baião, Rui Fernandes and Nídia Massano for this opportunity ! Saraz Handpan: Rui Miguel Aires duCiel nGoni: Milagros Galli Drone, Video and Sound by Rui Fernandes, GMT Produções Links: https://www.facebook.com/rui.miguel.aires https://www.facebook.com/ducielmusica/ https://www.facebook.com/milagrosgalli http://www.zenfamily.pt http://www.gmt-producoes.com
World Music sound journey with Nina Soulimant at HangInAzores 2015
September 16, 2015
World music sound journey with Nina Soulimant Recorded September 6, 2015 at the Hang In Azores 2015 Handpan festival and gathering (Santa Maria island) A travel trough world music inspirations from South America, India and some of Nina's own songs. Nina Soulimant - Guitar and voice Rui Miguel Aires - Saraz Handpan 02:29 Opening (Ocarina) https://youtu.be/2kbqg729zI4?t=149 03:50 Ammataye https://youtu.be/2kbqg729zI4?t=231 08:50 Humano https://youtu.be/2kbqg729zI4?t=521 13:35 Boveda Celeste https://youtu.be/2kbqg729zI4?t=814 18:30 Improviso (Guimbarda) https://youtu.be/2kbqg729zI4?t=1110 21...
3 pans and a lady
September 16, 2015
Performance at Hang In Azores 2015 (Gancidillo) Gancidillo (Gils Misacrd) - Asachan Handpan Rui Miguel Aires - Saraz Handpan Kabeção Rodrigues - Panart Hang Elisabete Liza - Voice
Tengo tudo para cantar... (Nina and the women)
September 16, 2015
Performance at Hang In Azores 2015 (Nina) Featuring: Elisabete Liza, Nina, Natascha Müller, Sanya Barakova, Susana Di Santi, Dalila Fialho, Katrin Steinmann, Ana Elisa Oliveira, Rebecca Paige Dancyger, Marisa Batalha Ribeiro, Hang Maria Margarita and others
Sitar, Handpan and Portuguese Guitar Improv at Rua Augusta (Lisbon, Portugal)
August 14, 2015
First improvisation session of a world music trio from Portugal featuring, - Carolina Pizarro - Indian Sitar - Pedro de Faro - Portuguese Guitar - Rui Aires - Saraz Handpan See more videos on http://www.merutrio.com Recorded in Rua Augusta, downtown Lisbon, Portugal Video by Sandra Cristina Ramos Editing by Rui Aires (using YouTube Video Manager)
Roma Segway 3h Tour in 3min (Time-Lapse)
May 18, 2015
A 3h tour of central Rome on a Segway Tour done by Viktoria from SegwayFunRome https://www.facebook.com/SegwayFunRome?fref=ts
Saraz Handpan - Improvisação em Trás-os-Montes
August 31, 2014
Uma sessão de improviso gravada no largo do Santo na aldeia de Fornos, Freixo-de-Espada-à-Cinta (Trás-os-Montes, Portugal). O cruzeiro do largo tem um foco de luz que deu um ar muito especial ao vídeo com alguns efeitos inesperados no resultado final da imagem ;-) Agradecimentos ao Amilcar Branco pela gravação.
Kabeção at ArteCasa 3/3
August 21, 2014
Kabeção Rodrigues Handpan performance as opening act for Matsumotu Zoku concert at ArtCasa, Lisbon, August 20th 2014. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kabe%C3%A7%C3%A3o-Handpan/301622653190603 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Matsumoto-Zoku/276483785817619?ref=br_tf
Kabeção at ArteCasa 2/3
August 21, 2014
Kabeção Rodrigues Handpan performance as opening act for Matsumotu Zoku concert at ArtCasa, Lisbon, August 20th 2014. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kabe%C3%A7%C3%A3o-Handpan/301622653190603 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Matsumoto-Zoku/276483785817619?ref=br_tf
Kabeção at ArteCasa 1/3
August 21, 2014
Kabeção Rodrigues Handpan performance as opening act for Matsumotu Zoku concert at ArtCasa, Lisbon, August 20th 2014. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kabe%C3%A7%C3%A3o-Handpan/301622653190603 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Matsumoto-Zoku/276483785817619?ref=br_tf
Handpan Jam at the Beach
June 23, 2014
Jamming with Andreas at Praia da Adraga, Sintra, Portugal
Electric Kora meets Virtual HangDrum
January 27, 2014
Jamming with Kula on the electric Kora (he made himself) and using a Virtual HangDrum.