Yo, my name is Ludo De Angelis and I'm a blogger at Zero to Digital Nomad over at ludodeangelis.com. Here is my photography though!  | Most ambitious, least successful con artist. snapchat.com/add/ludop0lis
My Photography
📆🤘 First of the week, first of the month. A great time to start some new habits and routines! ·
🚪 🦆 So much work, hustle, whatever you want to call it is done behind closed doors. Like a swan gracefully travelling across...
July 1, 2019
There’s a fine line between thinking you’re inadequate and purposefully inserting yourself into challenging situations. ·
Of course, when you’re uncomfortable you’re going to feel inferior because you don’t stack up agai...
June 29, 2019
Kindness comes first, always. 🖤 #driven
Film photography by @mattlysser
June 26, 2019
I am terrible at taking time off but visiting regenerated me so much, I’ve committed to taking more breaks from now on! 🍺 .
Surfing, kayaking and general good times. What an incredible relaxing time!
June 24, 2019
👷‍♂️📝 A few years ago, I decided to overhaul everything about myself. I spent the time and decided on what virtues and values I wanted to live by and then I began crafting myself into that person.
😄💪I basically designe...
June 5, 2019
📆✅ Another week and another month, cannot believe it’s JUNE tomorrow! 🤯 This week (and this month) as been solid on the bizdev front. ·
🤝😄 Lots of meetings, guidance, mentorship and business opportunities that I’m so, so...
May 31, 2019
“Wave your arms and look like you know stuff.” Delivering that #knawledge at my first App Marketing workshop a couple weeks ago. 📲 Got a few more lined up this summer now too. Awesome.
May 29, 2019
This is all it is to be green and hungry. It’s just you and a MacBook and some disgracefully intense bass music to keep you going. Day after day. .
And I love it. And I wouldn’t have it any other way right now. The journ...
May 28, 2019
📱✋ Neither of us should be on Instagram right now. I shouldn’t be posting here and you shouldn’t be reading this here. Why’s that?
. 📚💪 Well, because it’s not the best place to come if you want to focus. It’s a great pla...
May 17, 2019
🧠 ⏳You only have so much mental bandwidth. You only have so much attention. And you only have so much time in the day. .
📱💰We are all surrounded by people and things trying to grab a part of that because it’s super valua...
May 14, 2019
attempting to eat HALF of one of these @doughnuttime_uk things was a challenge for me and @mattlysser. 🍩
April 14, 2019
2am, Dublin and Big Buck Hunter - l the best arcade game out there. 👾 I got way, way too into it. 🍻💰 🍻
February 20, 2019
As @markmansonnet says, “What’s your flavour of shit sandwich?...” You gotta pick something you’re going to struggle for... or else it will be picked for you. So which will you regret more? #quoteoftheday
February 7, 2019
here’s to the absolutely crazy ones 😉🥂 (why does this pic look like two other pics stuck together?...) #smilesallround
February 6, 2019
Which folder would you be spending most of your time in? 🤔📲 I wish my main one was yolo! #iPhoneApps
February 5, 2019
this is my listening face lol. 😶👂 sometimes I wear all black and help teach digital marketing classes @ga_london 📚 💻 #businessgoth
February 4, 2019
throwback to #roskilde ✈️🇩🇰🍾 I think I was filling up jäger shots to sneak into the main arena like it was a military operation! 😎

Bring on #roskilde2019!
January 29, 2019
Smiley ass face at 6am getting ready for a 30 min walk to the gym in the January winds! 🌬❄️ But I wouldn’t trade it for anything because I get to catch up on industry news on podcasts or listen to some terrible 90’s pop...
January 28, 2019
Love connecting with people who have a passion they’re pursuing hard! ✌️ 6 weeks in India solo with a head full of braids to study #yoga more in depth so she can do what she loves with her life. What a damn #inspiration...
January 27, 2019
Last minute flight to Dublin and a random Christian soul jazz gig at @thesugarclub with these two homeless guys. #bromance 🙏

I left my social life in Dublin! 😉 Back to the hustle on Monday, dark and early, just how I l...
January 19, 2019
About 6 months ago I decided to move my sleep around permanently so it served me better.
I was frustrated with the excuses I would tell myself that I had no time to do what I wanted because I knew that’s what they were:...
January 17, 2019
lol @garyvee, love him. I mean, it’s true. Everything melts away in the face of death so what’s the hold up?
December 27, 2018
Been thinking a lot about the upcoming New Year and all the things people are going to say they’re going to start doing.
But with every decision to do something comes a decision to NOT do something else. To sacrifice so...
November 28, 2018
6 weeks ago I took this walking out the door to an interview for a managerial role in the Strategic Digital Marketing Innovation team at Lloyd’s bank. 👔💼
Now, I didn’t get the job but I did make it to the final interview...
October 8, 2018
Twitter & Soundcloud
gm happy saturday
May 20, 2023
What's more exhausting?

- Building your own business and eating shit on the daily
- Building someone else's busine…
May 19, 2023
I’m all about these Twitter audio DMs.

But there’s gonna be a lot of lil squeaky voice pitches in my DMs soon.
May 19, 2023
the new Pride Watch faces are always sweet ⌚️

but it’s a trade of colour for utility
May 19, 2023
I feel the forthcoming books from
@chasejarvis and @thedankoe on intentional attention are going to be seminal for our times.
May 18, 2023
There are 2 kinds of replies you get with cold email.
May 18, 2023
gm 🌞

thursday morning first-line personalisation ☀️
May 18, 2023
Presenting most liked tweet this year.
May 17, 2023
Tips for the entrepreneurs with varied tasks that requires all sorts of context switching.

- Brain dump, organise…
May 17, 2023
If you tap into a video on twitter and scroll down once you get some seriously random content.
May 17, 2023
Remember when the iPhone was first unveiled and the audience GASPED at pinch-to-zoom 🤯

It’s so quaint to think abo…
May 16, 2023
gm beautiful people ☀️
May 16, 2023
If you’re not embarrassed about who you were last year, you’re not growing fast enough.
May 15, 2023
If you’re creative enough to learn lighting, composition and model direction.

You’re fully capable in learning som…
May 15, 2023
Protip for writing emails! 🚨

Nobody cares what you do.

Everybody cares what you can do FOR THEM.

So tell them wh…
May 15, 2023
One Person Business models are ridiculously achievable now.

This weekend I used 3 AI tools to perform specialised…
May 15, 2023
first no-show with the new setup

when i gave him 2 separate times to choose from he said “yes”

my own fault rea…
May 15, 2023

sunday mornings are for Joy Orbison
May 14, 2023
📷 🎙️ 2.0
May 13, 2023
The first money I ever earned was pulling pints at an IRA pub when I was 15.

I didn’t know it was an IRA pub of c…
May 13, 2023
“God rewards conviction” @LogFitz6

Personal branding sauce dripping out the speakers today.
May 12, 2023
the problem is you think you’re owed something.

the world doesn’t owe you shit.

you have to make it.
May 12, 2023
Want to know the #1 secret sauce for successful cold outreach? 🔥

Learn the language you use to communicate with ot…
May 11, 2023
Curiosity above all.
May 11, 2023
Also applies to any laptop warriors regardless of your battle 🪓
May 11, 2023
Top reasons people start an online business:

- Time freedom
- Location freedom

Top things most people don’t do:…
May 11, 2023
Is social media just washing all the creativity away?

Had a convo with a photography mentor who laments the homoge…
May 11, 2023
I’ve found the most friendliest, most supportive people in my life online.

It’s so worth your time to find the rig…
May 11, 2023
Writing outbound email copy is 100% easier when your client has a good offer.

If they don’t have a good offer yet…
May 10, 2023
Only the real ones know how insanely useful the ABLEBITS plugs in are.
May 10, 2023
Business yellers who claim they have enough MRR to “do whatever I want”.

What do you actually do with your time?…
May 10, 2023
Very cool tool for the solo creators
May 10, 2023
📆🤘 First of the week, first of the month. A great time to start some new habits and routines! ·
🚪 🦆 So much work, hustle, whatever you want to call it is done behind closed doors. Like a swan gracefully travelling across...
July 1, 2019
There’s a fine line between thinking you’re inadequate and purposefully inserting yourself into challenging situations. ·
Of course, when you’re uncomfortable you’re going to feel inferior because you don’t stack up agai...
June 29, 2019
Kindness comes first, always. 🖤 #driven
Film photography by @mattlysser
June 26, 2019
I am terrible at taking time off but visiting regenerated me so much, I’ve committed to taking more breaks from now on! 🍺 .
Surfing, kayaking and general good times. What an incredible relaxing time!
June 24, 2019
👷‍♂️📝 A few years ago, I decided to overhaul everything about myself. I spent the time and decided on what virtues and values I wanted to live by and then I began crafting myself into that person.
😄💪I basically designe...
June 5, 2019
📆✅ Another week and another month, cannot believe it’s JUNE tomorrow! 🤯 This week (and this month) as been solid on the bizdev front. ·
🤝😄 Lots of meetings, guidance, mentorship and business opportunities that I’m so, so...
May 31, 2019
“Wave your arms and look like you know stuff.” Delivering that #knawledge at my first App Marketing workshop a couple weeks ago. 📲 Got a few more lined up this summer now too. Awesome.
May 29, 2019
This is all it is to be green and hungry. It’s just you and a MacBook and some disgracefully intense bass music to keep you going. Day after day. .
And I love it. And I wouldn’t have it any other way right now. The journ...
May 28, 2019
📱✋ Neither of us should be on Instagram right now. I shouldn’t be posting here and you shouldn’t be reading this here. Why’s that?
. 📚💪 Well, because it’s not the best place to come if you want to focus. It’s a great pla...
May 17, 2019
🧠 ⏳You only have so much mental bandwidth. You only have so much attention. And you only have so much time in the day. .
📱💰We are all surrounded by people and things trying to grab a part of that because it’s super valua...
May 14, 2019
attempting to eat HALF of one of these @doughnuttime_uk things was a challenge for me and @mattlysser. 🍩
April 14, 2019
2am, Dublin and Big Buck Hunter - l the best arcade game out there. 👾 I got way, way too into it. 🍻💰 🍻
February 20, 2019
As @markmansonnet says, “What’s your flavour of shit sandwich?...” You gotta pick something you’re going to struggle for... or else it will be picked for you. So which will you regret more? #quoteoftheday
February 7, 2019
here’s to the absolutely crazy ones 😉🥂 (why does this pic look like two other pics stuck together?...) #smilesallround
February 6, 2019
Which folder would you be spending most of your time in? 🤔📲 I wish my main one was yolo! #iPhoneApps
February 5, 2019
this is my listening face lol. 😶👂 sometimes I wear all black and help teach digital marketing classes @ga_london 📚 💻 #businessgoth
February 4, 2019
throwback to #roskilde ✈️🇩🇰🍾 I think I was filling up jäger shots to sneak into the main arena like it was a military operation! 😎

Bring on #roskilde2019!
January 29, 2019
Smiley ass face at 6am getting ready for a 30 min walk to the gym in the January winds! 🌬❄️ But I wouldn’t trade it for anything because I get to catch up on industry news on podcasts or listen to some terrible 90’s pop...
January 28, 2019
Love connecting with people who have a passion they’re pursuing hard! ✌️ 6 weeks in India solo with a head full of braids to study #yoga more in depth so she can do what she loves with her life. What a damn #inspiration...
January 27, 2019
Last minute flight to Dublin and a random Christian soul jazz gig at @thesugarclub with these two homeless guys. #bromance 🙏

I left my social life in Dublin! 😉 Back to the hustle on Monday, dark and early, just how I l...
January 19, 2019
About 6 months ago I decided to move my sleep around permanently so it served me better.
I was frustrated with the excuses I would tell myself that I had no time to do what I wanted because I knew that’s what they were:...
January 17, 2019
lol @garyvee, love him. I mean, it’s true. Everything melts away in the face of death so what’s the hold up?
December 27, 2018
Been thinking a lot about the upcoming New Year and all the things people are going to say they’re going to start doing.
But with every decision to do something comes a decision to NOT do something else. To sacrifice so...
November 28, 2018
6 weeks ago I took this walking out the door to an interview for a managerial role in the Strategic Digital Marketing Innovation team at Lloyd’s bank. 👔💼
Now, I didn’t get the job but I did make it to the final interview...
October 8, 2018
Design is far more powerful than willpower. You must be intentional. You need to set yourself up for success. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Willpower is for people who are still uncertain what they want to...
August 17, 2018
lil hustler circa 2009 🔥
going through the human torch phase with the hair I guess 🤣
August 7, 2018
I’m moving more central London this week and it’s the opportunity to craft the new habits that I’m most excited about. 💪
Ambition is the ignition but it’s all about the routines and habits to keep it going.
August 6, 2018
if you wanna go fast, go solo.
if you wanna go far, go with friends. •
my journey of ambitions, goals and motivations mean nothing without friends and family.
August 2, 2018
#QOTSA - quietest gig I’ve ever been too 🔇 made me miss Roskilde festival, wish I could have gone this year - next year it is 😻
July 1, 2018
new office who dis 👔
June 29, 2018
When we all lived in the same country #broscience 🖤
June 23, 2018
#throwback to the big hair days. 🌊🏄‍♂️☀️
May 10, 2018
obligatory snow images of dogs and... snow 🐕❄️ this was sunrise, 7am~ 🌅 (oh i haven’t moved to London yet but i am still stranded here and start the new job end of March) 🤖
March 4, 2018
The grass may not always be greener... But it might be time to jump ship again!! 😝🔥👊
July 6, 2016
The first image of many from @roskildefestival! 🎉 What an amazing time with amazing people!!😃 Feeling the blues now though!😢 Until next year!! 🔥🔥🔥 • • • • • • • • • • • • • #urbanandstreet #crazyshooters #streetdreamsmag...
July 6, 2016
Ludo De Angelis shared a link.
July 5, 2016
Got back into the country and got myself up to speed and this sums it up. So the country is in free fall and no one wants to help or has a plan! It's actually pretty funny! Ludo's time in the UK might be coming to an en...
July 4, 2016
Back in London from Roskilde festival! Gonna miss all the motherfuckers I met sooo bad! Here's to next year and more OYO-YO-YO's!! 🎉🎉🎉
July 4, 2016
Brexit-Leave on the day I'm flying out to Roskilde festival!😫 Hopefully they let me back in alright because I'm gonna be in a state! 😂😰 In other news, website is here! 😁📸❤️ 🎉➡️🔴www.ludodeangelis.com🔴⬅️🎉
June 24, 2016
Ludo De Angelis shared a link.
June 21, 2016
"That's called a Wally Back Blunt, make sure you write that!" 😜🔥😎 • • • • • • • • • • • • • #urbanandstreet #crazyshooters #streetdreamsmag #sk8 #skate #skateboard #rollerblading #rollerblade #exploreeverything #citykill...
June 19, 2016
Girls on boards that are killing it! 🔥🔥🔥 Who knows one?? 💁🙆😎
June 14, 2016
Siri for Ireland is coming with iOS 10! 🇮🇪 "Hey Siri, what's the weather like today?" "I don't bleedin' know ya f*ckin' eejit, would yeh not just look out d'window" ... can't wait! 😂☔️
June 14, 2016
"That is one of the shiniest bikes I've ever seen man.' "Thanks! It's an all-chrome design that I made and sell myself. I was just at a trade-show with all my bikes and now I'm really quite drunk!!" He ended up forwar...
June 13, 2016
When you're shooting people in the street, sometimes they ask you where the picture is gonna be (obviously). 😉 Now I can tell them where to go... Website coming soon! 🔥😎💰 🔴➡︎ www.ludodeangelis.com ⬅︎🔴
June 12, 2016
I just got a PHONE call from some kid asking if I was 'Craig' just now. 🙄 Like kid, it's 2016. My phone tells me your location and you can't figure out how to contact your own buddy. 😜
June 12, 2016
Ever feel like you're floating in an ocean with no direction Exploring a Millennial Dilemma http://buff.ly/1UIuxhm
June 11, 2016
Ludo De Angelis shared a link.
June 10, 2016
The grass may not always be greener... But it might be time to jump ship again!! 😝🔥👊
July 6, 2016
July 6, 2016
The first image of many from @roskildefestival! 🎉 What an amazing time with amazing people!!😃 Feeling the blues now though!😢 Until next year!! 🔥🔥🔥 • • • • • • • • • • • • • #urbanandstreet #crazyshooters #streetdreamsmag #sk8 #skate #skateboard #rollerblading #rollerblade #exploreeverything #citykillerz #skateeverydamnday #metrogrammed #bmx #bemag #thecreatorclass #neverstopexploring #shoot2kill #all_shots #rf16 #exclusive_shot #agameoftones #urbanromantix #heatercentral #irollny #bladinggram #grime_nation #vzcomood #createcommune #roskildefestival
Ludo De Angelis shared a link.
July 5, 2016
July 4, 2016
Got back into the country and got myself up to speed and this sums it up. So the country is in free fall and no one wants to help or has a plan! It's actually pretty funny! Ludo's time in the UK might be coming to an end I think!
Back in London from Roskilde festival! Gonna miss all the motherfuckers I met sooo bad! Here's to next year and more OYO-YO-YO's!! 🎉🎉🎉
July 4, 2016
June 24, 2016
Brexit-Leave on the day I'm flying out to Roskilde festival!😫 Hopefully they let me back in alright because I'm gonna be in a state! 😂😰 In other news, website is here! 😁📸❤️ 🎉➡️🔴www.ludodeangelis.com🔴⬅️🎉
Ludo De Angelis shared a link.
June 21, 2016
June 19, 2016
"That's called a Wally Back Blunt, make sure you write that!" 😜🔥😎 • • • • • • • • • • • • • #urbanandstreet #crazyshooters #streetdreamsmag #sk8 #skate #skateboard #rollerblading #rollerblade #exploreeverything #citykillerz #skateeverydamnday #metrogrammed #bmx #bemag #thecreatorclass #neverstopexploring #shoot2kill #all_shots #capturenyc #exclusive_shot #agameoftones #urbanromantix #heatercentral #irollny #bladinggram #grime_nation #vzcomood #createcommune #londonprimeshot
Girls on boards that are killing it! 🔥🔥🔥 Who knows one?? 💁🙆😎
June 14, 2016
Siri for Ireland is coming with iOS 10! 🇮🇪 "Hey Siri, what's the weather like today?" "I don't bleedin' know ya f*ckin' eejit, would yeh not just look out d'window" ... can't wait! 😂☔️
June 14, 2016
June 13, 2016
"That is one of the shiniest bikes I've ever seen man.' "Thanks! It's an all-chrome design that I made and sell myself. I was just at a trade-show with all my bikes and now I'm really quite drunk!!" He ended up forwarding me his ticket to the bicycle show so I could get some of the free beer. ... there was no free beer but a lot of bikes. Thank you Alex!
June 12, 2016
When you're shooting people in the street, sometimes they ask you where the picture is gonna be (obviously). 😉 Now I can tell them where to go... Website coming soon! 🔥😎💰 🔴➡︎ www.ludodeangelis.com ⬅︎🔴
I just got a PHONE call from some kid asking if I was 'Craig' just now. 🙄 Like kid, it's 2016. My phone tells me your location and you can't figure out how to contact your own buddy. 😜
June 12, 2016
Ever feel like you're floating in an ocean with no direction Exploring a Millennial Dilemma http://buff.ly/1UIuxhm
June 11, 2016
Ludo De Angelis shared a link.
June 10, 2016
Rooftopping with Alanisko on my snapchat!🏬 Got some sick shots which will be finished soon! Meanwhile, follow me on 👻 @ludop0lis to keep up with the photography missions! 📸😎💣
June 10, 2016
Steezy focus. 😎🔥🤘#skate
June 8, 2016
Someone lost a deck. 😂😎🔥#skateboarding
June 7, 2016
Less than a month lads! Roskilde festival for 9 days. I'm living for this! 🔥😎
June 1, 2016
Ludo De Angelis shared a link.
May 30, 2016
I follow this guy Gary heavily these days. Watch this video if you feel a bit confused with what to do with yourself! 🔥
May 25, 2016
Ludo De Angelis shared a link.
May 25, 2016
Moody views 🏙🏢🔥 #streetactivity
May 24, 2016
This does nothing to me anymore. Need hot (and tasty) hot sauce recommendations!! 🔥🔥🔥
May 23, 2016
No one had the Friday feeling more than this guy. 😆🙌👊 Have a good weekend people! #citylife
May 21, 2016
Ludo De Angelis shared a link.
May 20, 2016
This looked heavy...
May 20, 2016
Ludo De Angelis shared Claudine O'Sullivan Illustration's photo.
May 19, 2016
This guy said grape soda would "change my life"... He was correct. 🍇🙏👊
May 19, 2016
Swish. 🏀😎🔥
May 18, 2016
One of the best dudes skating. Never managed to get his name! 💨💨😝
May 16, 2016
Dave rescued Caesar from a shelter and now they're beyond best friends. The sweetest dog I've seen! Happy Sunday! 🐶😄🌤
May 15, 2016
Your place in the city. 🙎🏢🔥
May 14, 2016
Respect to these dudes who travelled from Japan to visit their friend and to skate #southbank. 👊🙌🇯🇵🤘
May 13, 2016
May 12, 2016
Came from Bulgaria to skate #southbank 😃🤘🔥
May 11, 2016
Ludo De Angelis updated his profile picture.
May 9, 2016
4 years old and on a board. 😦😎🌎
May 8, 2016
May 7, 2016
Like father, like daughter. 🙋🤘🔥
May 7, 2016
New RHCP drops 2 weeks before I get to see them in Copenhagen. What else is there to do after that?
May 5, 2016
9 years old... The whole family skates. 😎🤘🎯
May 5, 2016
✈️ #notshopped 😎
May 4, 2016
For those who like Kung Fury! 🙏🏼😄
May 3, 2016
EVILCORP 😎🏎🏢 #mrrobot
April 28, 2016
Going skatin' 💨😎🤘🏼
April 27, 2016
"How big is your tent guys?" "Four PBR tall, two Camels wide. Revolver for scale" Thanks lads.
April 26, 2016
Circle the drain 💨😎🔥
April 26, 2016